Highly superficial (superficial stratum corneum)
Increases uniformity of skin tone for a more luminous appearance. Almost free of downtime, ideally for starting a new skin care regime, reduces pores size and allow the skin fully oxygenates.
Superficial (epidermal to basal layer)
Stimulates epidermal growth by removing the Stratum Corneum and it can reach up to the 5th layer of our Epidermal skin, called Stratum Germinativum or also basal layer.
This causes skin to flake in a similar way to when it has excessive exposure to the sun.
Medium (papillar dermis)
It completely removes the epidermis, which then renews until fully regenerated. Starts the process of anti-ageing stimulation, works on some cases of pigmentation, acne and scar tissue.
Deep (reticular dermis)
Leads to an inflammatory reaction of the reticular dermis, strongly collagen and elastin fibers induction; reconstruction.
When it comes to undergoing in professional peels, preparation and maintenance is summarily important to achieve the desired success. The Skin should be prepared in order to minimize any possible downtime and/or reactions and also to help the peel to penetrate in the concern, like Sebaceous Glands in case of oil/acnified skin, Melanocites for pigmentation issues, Fibroblasts and Glycosaminoglycans in case of ageing.
The products used for preparation, which should be used for a minimum of 14 days prior to the treatment have the right chemicals to start sending the regulatory message to these glands and organs related to the concern, in order to promote real action when the peel is applied.
The Objective of a peel is to purify and oxygenate the skin, leaving it moisturized and free of impurities. Close open pores and improves texture, thickening the epidermis. It unifies skin tone, adds luminosity and smooth cutaneous imperfections, lightens and attenuates dark spots providing depigment effect. Reduces acne manifestations and improve the appearance of its scars.
After the professional peel is performed, the post-treatment is essential to keep and improve the results even more, especially in cases of acne and hyper-pigmentation where the glands that control oil formation and pigment needs to receive a new nerve messages that will educate our skin to be free of those particular concerns. It can only be achieved through a very carefully selected post-products to be used on a daily basis.
Please, if thinking of undergoing into a professional peel, book your consultation to further discuss with your Aesthetic Practitioner which peel type would suits you best according to your skin type, Fitzpatrick scale as you can briefly see below and concern. By having a mature attitude you can avoid any possible disappointments.