IPL Treatments

IPL Rejuvenation

IPL – Intense pulsed light is a technology used by cosmetic and medical practitioners to perform various skin treatments for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes, including photorejuvenation (e.g. the treatment of skin pigmentation, sun damage, and thread veins) as well as to alleviate dermatologic diseases such as acne.

IPL Redness

IPL helps to reduce the appearance of redness and also strengthens the skin to become less reactive and more tolerant. This is extremely helpful, since rosacea-prone skin tends to be very sensitive. 

IPL Veins

This treatment uses the light from the laser to heat up the veins very quickly. This heat will break down the veins and also the hyperpigmented skin to soften its appearance.

IPL Acne

A great ally against acne problems can be our laser & IPL treatments. By killing the bacteria and stimulating the cell renew and oxygenating the inner layers of the skin acne can be controlled by the action of the lights.

Book a free patch test to secure that you can have any IPL treatment done.